The perfect way to enjoy this bouquet, give your body a boost with a taste of the “Infusion of Long Life.” This vitamin C rich blend is great whether you’re feeling a little down or at optimal output. Naturally sweet and fragrant, let this stunning pink tea break the mid-afternoon slump.
Kinkeliba - The French dubbed tea made from this wild-sprouting West African shrub “tisane de longue vie” or “infusion of long life.” Its mystic properties are said to aid liver disorders, sleep problems, digestion, eczema, acne, and healing after an illness. Some also suggest kinkeliba is beneficial in treating Type-2 Diabetes.
Hibiscus - This large flower brews tea rich in Vitamin C, minerals, and antioxidants. Kickstart your metabolism in a way that supports healthy, gradual weight loss. Hibiscus relieves high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and immune system and inflammatory problems.
Rose Hips - The fruit of the rose plant (Yes, fruit from a rose bush) packs more Vitamin C in a tablespoon than an orange. Paired with their boost of Vitamin A, rose hips fight off colds and skin ailments. Anti-inflammatory properties make these surprise fruit great at relieving the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.